Selamat membaca.Saya dibesarkan dengan penuh kasih sayang.ALLAH.BONDA.SIBLING.FRIEND.twentyone.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Something happen for a reason

"Dont love too much because you'ill heart that much"
I learn this for a few days here.
Yups seem like only a few days left here.
but heart need to be very strong to through all the day off.

Yups.again,sleep with a tear

Maaf ia masih murah untuk mengalir.
You said I hate you when I refuse to talk too you.
But,at the time i need someone beside me,no one there for me.
Did you think off that?Surely not.
Thanks for the hurt again
thanks for the left again
thanks a lot to you.
I'll be okay soon.TQ

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bukan nak mintak dipujuk pon.

Ye,saye tahu saye patut belajar sekarang.
Tapi,entah kenape,kepala otak seperti letih.
Tanak Final Exam.
Tanak cuti juga.
Saye cume nak belajar.belajar.dan belajar.

Saye kenape?
Ohh.saye okay sebenarnye :)

see,i'm okay :D

Saye tak mengharap pon dipujuk.
Cukup sekadar JUJUR
I told you everything,but when its cames to me
"something is secret"
Do you know how hurt it is?

I know you from before
Now,you are different person.
Sorry,cant longer follow your step.
Do you know how hurt it is?

NEVER make somebody your EVERYTHING
cause,when they're gone,

Percaya pada ini,
Buat saye kuat.

Bukan penat menjaga hati,
hanya penat terluka.
tak mintak dipujuk.
cukup sekadar jujur.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hari keSembilan

Selamat Pagi.
Selamat Hari Raya
Tahu-tahu saya dah lewat -.-
Been veryveryvery busy.



Hee.raya baru separuh :D
Esok,event and then final exam.
Cuti tak puas pon :(
Tape,jomm share picha raya :D

Sayang-sayang sekeliann.
Sakan beraya bersama mereka.
tak salah bercakap,
asal tahu menjaga hati orang.
kau nak orang jaga hati kau je kan.
I'm tired to do so.