Selamat membaca.Saya dibesarkan dengan penuh kasih sayang.ALLAH.BONDA.SIBLING.FRIEND.twentyone.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Something happen for a reason

"Dont love too much because you'ill heart that much"
I learn this for a few days here.
Yups seem like only a few days left here.
but heart need to be very strong to through all the day off.

Yups.again,sleep with a tear

Maaf ia masih murah untuk mengalir.
You said I hate you when I refuse to talk too you.
But,at the time i need someone beside me,no one there for me.
Did you think off that?Surely not.
Thanks for the hurt again
thanks for the left again
thanks a lot to you.
I'll be okay soon.TQ

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